What is the Cost of not having an ADA Accessible Website for your business?

What is the Cost of not having an ADA Accessible Website for your business?

Learn more about this easy to implement and cost effective solution to make your website ADA Compliant and Accessible to people with disabilities. 

Protect your business from Non-Compliance Lawsuits and Capture Thousands in lost revenue with our NO-Cost solution. 

Protect your business from Non-Compliance Lawsuits and Capture Thousands in lost revenue with our NO-Cost solution. 

Who Accessibility Helps

More than 1 Billion people in the world have a disability of some kind.

So do 1-in-4 adults in the U.S.

Having an Accessible website allows you to reach ALL your potential customers online, including:

 Meet The ​ADAComply Guy 

Meet ​The

ADA Comply Guy

Helped bring a 'first to market' Hybrid SaaS Solution that helps Business owners become ADA Compliant and improve their web accessibility on their website and sales funnels.

Dedicated to helping businesses become ADA compliant to protect from frivolous lawsuits, connect with a larger target market and get government funding for helping those of us with disabilities live a more connected life. 

Tony Caggiano, the Original ADA Comply Guy, has a long history of Philanthropy and giving back to help other who need it.

From volunteering with various groups like the Special Olympics and the United Way over the years and having two children with special needs, has heightened his awareness for the need to give back to help those who need it.

In 2019, having an entrepreneurial spirit an a background in the IT industry, he was working on a project to build a mobile app to help fundraising for local schools in NC.  When this project was shelved in early 2020 due to to the covid-19 pandemic, he stumbled upon a new opportunity which came about from the connections he made building the app. This was software to help make websites ADA Compliant. 

After some research he found that the need and the urgency was extreme because, at that time, less than 1% of all websites were ADA compliant or provided any accessibility for people with disabilities.

ADA Non-Compliance lawsuits were on the rise growing exponentially since 2017. and seeing this huge need, he found his calling.

Partnering with the developer of this software, he helped to improve it and started his journey to educate businesses on the importance of this new law and to help them avoid non-warranted legal issues just because they were unaware of a new regulation. 

Hi mission has quickly became one of an advocate for both the Disabled Community and for unknowing business owners. 

Today we are able to provide a comprehensive service that includes not only our software tool to provide Accessibility features on-demand, but also services that improve the website itself and get our clients to the highest level of compliance to help as many users as possible.

In addition , we help our clients qualify for government funding and grants provided by our Non-Profit partner, the WAAF, Web Accessibility Awareness Foundation.

This helps to make our solution not only a no-cost option but clients can also get additional funding to cover existing digital marketing expenses and website updates, each year, once they are compliant.

We are on our way to the ultimate goal of helping make the entire Internet Accessible to people of ALL Abilities. 

​Is Your Website ADA Compliant? 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities. Web content should be accessible to the blind, deaf, and those who must navigate by voice, screen readers or other assistive technologies​ 

Benefits of having an ADA Compliant and Accessible Website:

Shield with Checkmark graphic
Reduces Legal Risk
Increases Market Reach
Helps sell more products
Its the Right thing to do

​Is Your Website ADA Compliant? 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities. Web content should be accessible to the blind, deaf, and those who must navigate by voice, screen readers or other assistive technologies​ 

A First To Market Product That SolvesA $650 BILLION PROBLEM

  • An historic supreme court judgement last year caused a surge in websites owners  being               sued for non-compliance with ADA.   

  • ​1,500+ legal cases related to non-accessibility compliance in New York alone in 2018               

  • More than 10,000 websites sued in 2019 for their website not being ADA compliant                 

  • ​​This number is expected to hit 100k in 2020                                                                                       

  • ​Unlike GDPR, The ADA law requires no notice before a lawsuit is filed against a company for non-compliance.

  • ​The law provides no time for a company to take action before a lawsuit is filed, and it offers  no real defense to a company after a lawsuit has been filed.

  • ​Most business/website owners sued pay between $2000 - $200k as out of court settlement.     

  • A recent settlement was over $6 Million.

  • ​Businesses have spent an average of $3k - $50k to get their website fixed...  UNTIL NOW!                              

Benefits of having an ADA compliant/Accessible Website:

1- ​Rank higher on search engines. (Google loves accessible websites) 

2 - ​Tap into the $650 billion per year untapped disability market.

3 -  ​Avoid being a target of an increasing number of lawsuits for not having an ADA compliant website... and this figure keeps going up.

4 - Being social responsible. It is just good business. The more we treat our customers with respect and kindness, the more they will want to do business with us.

Moving Wheelchair GIF

Solving A $650 Billion Problem

 - A historic supreme court judgment last year caused a surge in website owners being sued for non-compliance with the ADA.  

- ​1,500+ legal cases related to non-accessibility compliance in New York alone in 2018  

- More than 10,000 websites sued in 2019 for their website not being ADA compliant

- This number is expected to hit 100k in 2020    ​

- Unlike GDPR, The ADA law requires no notice before a lawsuit is filed against a company for non-compliance. ​ 

- The law provides no time for a company to take action before a lawsuit is filed, and it offers no real defense to a company after a lawsuit has been filed. ​ 

- Most business/website owners sued pay between $2000 - $200k as out of court settlement.

-  A recent settlement was over $6 Million.

- Businesses have spent an average of $3k - $50k to get their website fixed... UNTIL NOW    

Web Accessibility Lawsuits in the U.S.

All people have the right to equal treatment and shouldn’t experience discrimination because they happen to have a disability.

Many laws in the U.S. support this right. If you violate one of these laws, then you can find yourself at the defensive end of a lawsuit.

In 2019, according to an analysis by international legal firm Seyfarth Shaw, web accessibility federal lawsuits hit record numbers filed in federal court, an 8.8% increase from 2018.

California led the way, which may be in response to a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit which reversed a federal judge’s 2017 dismissal of a case against Domino’s Pizza. A man who is blind claimed that he was unable to use Domino’s website or mobile app because neither was accessible. This triggered more plaintiffs to launch web accessibility lawsuits in California and across the US.

Both California, New York and several other states have laws banning discrimination. In California, it’s the Unruh Civil Rights Act; New York has a New York State Human Rights Law.

Over the years, people have filed web accessibility lawsuits over Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act violations. Section 508 federal departments and agencies ensure ICT (information and communication technology) they use is accessible. People have taken legal action against both the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security over Section 508 violations.

Are These Lawsuits “Frivolous”?

It’s important to understand that web accessibility is anything but frivolous.

Disabilities commonly affect the way people go online. Instead of typing on a keyboard, some individuals may use toggle switches or voice input. Instead of looking at images, they may only be able to read descriptive text on the page, using screen-reading software. Or they may need to magnify a web page before they can read it.

Websites must use accessible tools and design for these Internet use methods to work. If you don’t have the disability-related experience, just think about how lost you’d be if you couldn’t quickly look up the arrival time of the next commuter train on your smartphone or consult the weather forecast as you’re headed out the door. Without web accessibility, millions of people with disabilities miss out on these simple conveniences.

The majority of ADA lawsuits are legitimate. The people with disabilities who filed these lawsuits experienced real digital barriers. It’s important to note when plaintiffs file federal lawsuits under the ADA, they cannot sue for monetary damages. A plaintiff can only seek reimbursement of their legal fees as well as remediation of the inaccessibility in question. They aren’t launching litigation because they’re looking for some quick cash. The reason they sue is to compel a business that has violated federal law to change its discriminatory practices.

Where is becomes a large financial burden on non-compliant businesses is when the plaintiff sues on the state level in additional to the federal. The state laws DO allow for "damages" in the form of monitory payments which on average range from $40-50k per instance.

See What happened to just one Small Business.

Don't be the next. 

The Many Requirements to Staying Compliant...We Take Care of That For You

When I heard of businesses getting sued for not being ADA Compliant, I was shocked.  It is not well know that the are REAL Requirements now necessary for 95% of businesses that have a website of Sales Funnel.

I Did a lot of research on how to help spread the word and educate businesses before they fell victim.

But I also wanted to help them GET compliant but the alternatives before now were cost prohibitive and complex to make sure your site was truly ADA Compliant. 

What I found was:

  • Lawsuits are Mounting and are expected to continue to increase...

  • The Department of Justice has backed ADA Lawsuits

  • There was a recent case that settled for over $6,000,000

  • ​The average cost for a small business for settle is over $50,000

  • ​In 2018, cases increased a whopping 181% and have continued to increase 

This is WHY I set out to find a solution that was Easy and Affordable for all businesses large and small. 

With our solution you never have to worry about staying up to date and making sure your business does not become a statistic. 

When new updates are added to the requirements we update everything for you so you always remain compliant. 

We make sure you are Compliant

In order to get compliant without our solution,  you would have to modify your back end coding of the site or pay a web designer to do it, hoping that you’ll get everything compliant on your site. Then continuously monitor and pay for expensive changes to remain compliant. 

When partnering with AD Comply Guy, Instead of spending weeks trying to do this yourself, our software takes care of 80% of the Accessibility issues your potential customers would face.

We go beyond just adding Accessibility tools and help you be compliant to avoid legal issues by assisting with adding in ALT-TEXT which helps facilitate screen reader software, as well as boost SEO.

We also help with Closed-Captioning by imbedding this into any videos you may be using on your website, funnels or in your digital marketing.

Step 1:

Add a new website to your ADA Compliant dashboard with the web url address Click to copy the code to your website

Step 2:

Click to copy the code to your website

Step 3:

Paste the code in your website’s footer.

Here’s How ADA Comply Works…

Step 1

Add your URL to your ADAComply dashboard 

Step 2

Click to copy the code to your website

Step 3

Paste the code in your website’s footer.

Learn how to protect your Website or Funnel.

Make your site ADA Compliant and qualify for up to $10,250 each year in funding to market your business online!

** Tax Credit Available to US Businesses with $1M in revenue OR 30 or less FULL Time employees

Copyright 2023 - ADA Comply Guy - All Rights Reserved

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